and one of salem and jonny just for cuteness :)

But anyway, Time is ticking. Jonny's leaving in a few days. the lovely army moved up his leave date:( only by two days, but still thats two days we had together! I knew, at least deep down that they would move his date, the old one has been in effect for months and months now. Last time he went to Iraq the date changed 7 times before they left, so it was more just waiting for it. :( silly army.
I have to go in for blood work sometime soon, to see if i have to stay on synthroid or not, i'm hoping not. although its the tiniest of my pills being back down to 9 pills a night is better then 10 right? Plus, if i can get off those, it may help my weight loss again, even though its not guarenteed, its still something to look foward too! Oh, and this prgesterone i'm on? about 10ish everynight i start getting the worst case of munchies i've ever had! and thats saying a lot if you know anything about my " wilder" days >.> /innocent i swear. its horrible to resist, so i started just not buying munchies. Its killing me, but i rarely feel like cooking at 10pm, so its working so far! lol.
anywho thats all for now. :) talk to you laters I'm sure.
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