Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Updates Updates Updates

Ug what a week. Things have been moving. I'm still packing, and getting a lot done, it just seems slower then I wanted. Also i seem to be running low on good size boxes.

After Living with Jonny for almost 8 years we have accumlated a lot of JUNK. And i mean junk. It doesn't help that i seem to have a gene for "pack rattery", lol. I actually found a phone jack, not weird enough you say? it still had teh wires that go up into the wall attatched... still not weird enough? Last time we messed with phone jacks was 5 years ago. Somehow it managed to travel with us from Ohio to New york. I've managed to supress the pack rat gene, and threw out a great many trash bags full of useless things. That made me feel much better. although i seem to have somehow inherited an entire box full of those 70-80's knit throws that are all green yellow and Orange.... Who thought up that color combination??? its horrible. I was just going to pitch them, but a great friend mentioned she thought she knew of a charity that took old blankets for those who had none, they aren't great, but something to keep you warm doesn't have to be pretty. If any one knows of such a charity let me know.

Oh, i got the Pathology back on Kira, her tumor was stage II, so thats not great. But its not the worst, we mostly have to watch to see if it comes back. She's doing great, although killing me with that evil sad look when we put the E-Collar on her at night. I just can't afford another 400 dollars if she decides to rip out the stitches -_-. But she's already bugging to go out back for a run, so i'm assuming she's feeling dandy ;)

OH. the worst part of this week? Apparently my Aunt passed away. Last week. Noone decided to tell me or my sister. so we missed the calling hours and everything. Needless to say we are very not happy with that side of the family right now. She was a wonderful aunt, and I would have liked to have gone. sigh

anywho thats my updates, here soon i'll be without internet, till around the first, although i'm not sure when the internet will be turned off. we'll see. well have a good week folks :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your dog seems to be doing well :-)

I too am a pack rat. I just can't seem to get rid of somethings.

Let me know when your in town. I'll put my cell number on your myspace later.

Happy Packing!!

junglemama said...

Hope your dog will be okay. I am normally a pack rat and have been able to slowly throw things away. It is such a great feeling. Hope the move goes well!

Amia The XenoCat said...

I am glad the pup is feeling well. Sounds you have a lot going on. I have stuff in boxes I still need to go through from my recent move. So kudos to you for doing that cleaning out first off.

But I think I can top your pack rattery.
I recently found a modem that you still had to hang the phone on to connect to internet. Which I havent used for 17 yrs. IN that time I have easily moved a dozen times. I just had to giggle about it.