I went in for my second, and hopefully last, biopsy in March. I still haven't heard back on the results. but I'm starting to think that this Office isn't as together as they look. When i went in the second time for the same procedure i got done in December, the nurse ( who was much less snooty this time around) hands me a release explaining the things that could go wrong all that, to sign. I kinda look at her with what i am sure is dumb look on my face. I haven't seen this before. at all. so i ask her 'shouldn't i have signed this last time?'. which gets me my dumb look returned lol. apparently they 'forgot'. They seem to have also forgot to have me sign for my insurance. which means they forged it. which doesn't make me happy. But as soon as they give me my results, and if they are good, i won't be going back -_-; thanks goodness.
also as i reported Kira still has random issues with her hip, but i can't keep her away from that ball! see how happy she looks :

she loves that ball! LOL
and so does salem even if he can't catch it, seriously click the picture it makes me giggle like no other!

i also got a new camera! I call it my semi professional camera. I'm trying to take my photography a little more seriously. i'll share one i did of my sister in law and my neice.

I didn't resize this so it may be huge. but it was edited in photoshop to pretend like i had the filters, which of course i don't LOL. but i thought it was great none the less.
I also had an easter egg hunt for my neices and nephews, i'll eventually put up pics of that, but if not they are on my myspace.
OH have i also mentioned my car hates me? apparently it's missing jonny. more on that later too!
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