So its been awhile, sorry about that. Its been a bit hectic, a bit boring, and bit just normal.
So i moved back to NY, which was interesting, lugging furniture up and down stairs in 90+ degree humid ass weather....not fun. Thought i was gonna die of heatstroke! i know some of you live in horribly hot weather, but come on, this is ohio, thats sweltering! but we got it all situated and made the drive up caravan style. we had the moving truck, teh cadillac ( which i drove and man those are nice! i don't think i shifted once in 6 hours o.o) and my car the dingy butt dented intrepid.
But once we got here, we got to see the house, and i have to admit to almost fainting in joy once i walked in. I HAD STAIRS! not just crappy outside stairs that make groceries a pain, but honest to goodness carpeted house stairs. Now, this may seem a strange feature to get excited about, but i haven't been in a 2 story house since i was 18, i'm 25 now. something about haveing an upstairs, makes me feel classy ;) The lady showing us the house, probably thought i was nuts, i just kept walking around stage whispering " I have stairs!!!" like 12 times.... I also have 1 and half baths. I'm pretty sure this is the former officer housing. I've never seen a non officer getting a two story unless you had twelve kids. So hey i'm excited!
Going back to the oncologist this month sometime if i ever call the jerk. its on my list shhhh. so is the dentist. so not much on that front, really.
Oh i got contacts, for the first time. still getting used to them, i'm having minor issues with seeing close up, but its only been like 3 days.
Been going to the gym, with courtney and thats been pretty nice, its nice to work out, and be a little more serious about losing weight. go me!
Had to take salem to the vet, that was interesting. he starting pulling up his back leg and walking on three legs, no immediate pain or anything so i made hima quick appt for shots and to get it looked at. Turns out he has Lyme, not really yay. but apparently dogs have a vaccine for lyme disease??? why don't humans??? anywho. its curable/treatable, so we're doing all the pills and crap now, and he's already walking on teh leg again, so apparently its working lol.
Jonny comes home in 2 months about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! then we get to start making real plans for alaska. i kinda wish they would up our leave date, i don't really want to move to alaska in February. its gonna be a hell of a shock to our systems upstate NY is cold but its not -40/-60 weather! but i don't want to miss christmas with our family either. sigh decisions. anyway off i go!