SO, i call the vet, schedule an appt, which was today. Turns out, she has cancer. I'm so upset. She's my baby! she's 8 years old, and i've had her all that time. So we're having 'rushed' surgery on thursday to remove the tumor, and then we wait on the pathology, to see if its stage 1,2,or 3. I don't know why it strikes me so weird that Canine cancer is treated so much the same to Human cancer. I guess cancer is cancer no matter where it is.
Apparently they even have chemo and radiation for dogs. But i don't think i can do that to her. There was one guy whose dog lived 7 months into chemo, by the end of it he had to drag his dog screaming, into the hospital. I don't think i can inflict that on her, even if it would up her survival rate a bit. Not to mention the 8,000-10,000 dollar bills. I don't know. all we can hope is its stage one, and it will be over with on thursday. I don't want to give her up yet :(

Kira and our old dog niko, the heffer XD

she was so adorable as a puppy!

i want to share how came to adopt her, but the details involve some sensitive events that i need to ask my mother if i can share, so we will see :)
Ok I remember reading the first blog reading about the endo thing now, but I guess it didn't really dawn on me what that meant. I created this account a lil bit ago just to follow your blog and maybe keep one here of my own as well. I had simply forgotten about it.. hehe
Sorry for missing so much *hugs*
Aww, I hope your dog will be ok. It is rough knowing that your pet, who is part of your family is suffering. I know my dog's time is coming soon :-( We believe he has cancer as well, plus he has horrible arthritis.
On a lighter note...have fun packing lol. So you are moving back home for a bit right? We should hang out sometime.
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