Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
So its been awhile, sorry about that. Its been a bit hectic, a bit boring, and bit just normal.
So i moved back to NY, which was interesting, lugging furniture up and down stairs in 90+ degree humid ass weather....not fun. Thought i was gonna die of heatstroke! i know some of you live in horribly hot weather, but come on, this is ohio, thats sweltering! but we got it all situated and made the drive up caravan style. we had the moving truck, teh cadillac ( which i drove and man those are nice! i don't think i shifted once in 6 hours o.o) and my car the dingy butt dented intrepid.
But once we got here, we got to see the house, and i have to admit to almost fainting in joy once i walked in. I HAD STAIRS! not just crappy outside stairs that make groceries a pain, but honest to goodness carpeted house stairs. Now, this may seem a strange feature to get excited about, but i haven't been in a 2 story house since i was 18, i'm 25 now. something about haveing an upstairs, makes me feel classy ;) The lady showing us the house, probably thought i was nuts, i just kept walking around stage whispering " I have stairs!!!" like 12 times.... I also have 1 and half baths. I'm pretty sure this is the former officer housing. I've never seen a non officer getting a two story unless you had twelve kids. So hey i'm excited!
Going back to the oncologist this month sometime if i ever call the jerk. its on my list shhhh. so is the dentist. so not much on that front, really.
Oh i got contacts, for the first time. still getting used to them, i'm having minor issues with seeing close up, but its only been like 3 days.
Been going to the gym, with courtney and thats been pretty nice, its nice to work out, and be a little more serious about losing weight. go me!
Had to take salem to the vet, that was interesting. he starting pulling up his back leg and walking on three legs, no immediate pain or anything so i made hima quick appt for shots and to get it looked at. Turns out he has Lyme, not really yay. but apparently dogs have a vaccine for lyme disease??? why don't humans??? anywho. its curable/treatable, so we're doing all the pills and crap now, and he's already walking on teh leg again, so apparently its working lol.
Jonny comes home in 2 months about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! then we get to start making real plans for alaska. i kinda wish they would up our leave date, i don't really want to move to alaska in February. its gonna be a hell of a shock to our systems upstate NY is cold but its not -40/-60 weather! but i don't want to miss christmas with our family either. sigh decisions. anyway off i go!
So i moved back to NY, which was interesting, lugging furniture up and down stairs in 90+ degree humid ass weather....not fun. Thought i was gonna die of heatstroke! i know some of you live in horribly hot weather, but come on, this is ohio, thats sweltering! but we got it all situated and made the drive up caravan style. we had the moving truck, teh cadillac ( which i drove and man those are nice! i don't think i shifted once in 6 hours o.o) and my car the dingy butt dented intrepid.
But once we got here, we got to see the house, and i have to admit to almost fainting in joy once i walked in. I HAD STAIRS! not just crappy outside stairs that make groceries a pain, but honest to goodness carpeted house stairs. Now, this may seem a strange feature to get excited about, but i haven't been in a 2 story house since i was 18, i'm 25 now. something about haveing an upstairs, makes me feel classy ;) The lady showing us the house, probably thought i was nuts, i just kept walking around stage whispering " I have stairs!!!" like 12 times.... I also have 1 and half baths. I'm pretty sure this is the former officer housing. I've never seen a non officer getting a two story unless you had twelve kids. So hey i'm excited!
Going back to the oncologist this month sometime if i ever call the jerk. its on my list shhhh. so is the dentist. so not much on that front, really.
Oh i got contacts, for the first time. still getting used to them, i'm having minor issues with seeing close up, but its only been like 3 days.
Been going to the gym, with courtney and thats been pretty nice, its nice to work out, and be a little more serious about losing weight. go me!
Had to take salem to the vet, that was interesting. he starting pulling up his back leg and walking on three legs, no immediate pain or anything so i made hima quick appt for shots and to get it looked at. Turns out he has Lyme, not really yay. but apparently dogs have a vaccine for lyme disease??? why don't humans??? anywho. its curable/treatable, so we're doing all the pills and crap now, and he's already walking on teh leg again, so apparently its working lol.
Jonny comes home in 2 months about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! then we get to start making real plans for alaska. i kinda wish they would up our leave date, i don't really want to move to alaska in February. its gonna be a hell of a shock to our systems upstate NY is cold but its not -40/-60 weather! but i don't want to miss christmas with our family either. sigh decisions. anyway off i go!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
alaska bound!
So big news. Jonny IM's me and asks, " if we were to get a change of station, where would you want to go?" of course i picked the south, i was really digging the thought of no snow after 4 winters in upstate NY. So jonny says how about north? -_- i went " oh no.....alaska?" turns out yes alaska! i was a little ambivilant to whether i wanted to really go. but now, after some long thinking and research, i'm excited as all get out.
I keep thinking that i'm gonna be up close and personal with the northern lights, all the mtns, and animals. Mooses! i'm gonna see mooses! and reindeer, i am now the envy of all the kids ;) Everyone i've talked to has loved it up there, and i really think i will too.
But this move really put a kink in my plans. I was originally planning to stay in Ohio till septemberish. then move back to NY. But now with the threat of our orders we have to have at least 6 months " sustainability " in the house on drum, and i wanted to take my self off of deployment hold, relatively quick in case that his orders came in before a house became available. But, of course i took myself off deployment hold on friday, and today, a tuesday, i got a house LOL. I have to say i'm excited to have my own place. Not that living with my mom hasn't been a blast, all we do is laugh. plus she does the dishes! but i want to move. like now. i LOVE setting up house. its why i love moving! that and the automatic purgeing that happens.
but its set up so we're gonna move on the 27th. but I *think* that the army will the stuff i have in storage in NY for me. if they do that wow will i love them I have one of those old tv's that weigh the equivelant of a baby elephant and one hell of an awkward tv stand lol. well anyway thats my big news! Alaska Away!!!!!!!!!!!!
I keep thinking that i'm gonna be up close and personal with the northern lights, all the mtns, and animals. Mooses! i'm gonna see mooses! and reindeer, i am now the envy of all the kids ;) Everyone i've talked to has loved it up there, and i really think i will too.
But this move really put a kink in my plans. I was originally planning to stay in Ohio till septemberish. then move back to NY. But now with the threat of our orders we have to have at least 6 months " sustainability " in the house on drum, and i wanted to take my self off of deployment hold, relatively quick in case that his orders came in before a house became available. But, of course i took myself off deployment hold on friday, and today, a tuesday, i got a house LOL. I have to say i'm excited to have my own place. Not that living with my mom hasn't been a blast, all we do is laugh. plus she does the dishes! but i want to move. like now. i LOVE setting up house. its why i love moving! that and the automatic purgeing that happens.
but its set up so we're gonna move on the 27th. but I *think* that the army will the stuff i have in storage in NY for me. if they do that wow will i love them I have one of those old tv's that weigh the equivelant of a baby elephant and one hell of an awkward tv stand lol. well anyway thats my big news! Alaska Away!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spring has Sprung
Ever notice how spring, just sort of sneaks up on you? One day your looking out on barren trees wondering where the green is. Then the next day its an explosion of so many greens. If that isn't magic in the world i don't know what is. I love spring, just as much as I love fall. It just seems like magic is in the air.
Jonny came home for R&R this month. I just sent him back today. I hate sending him back. Its like, I enjoy R&R, but i hate it at the same time. But we had fun visiting his family, and his brother got married to another Jessica. So now there is two in the family! But she's an awesome girl, i'm sure she'll be an awesome sister-in-law too.
Still no word on my biopsy, I'm starting to get a little disgruntled... Its not like its CANCER or anything. ( insert sarcasm there) I don't like this doctor and i'll be glad when i can get away from him and back to my oh so awesome fertility clinic.
While Jon was home, we had a grand old time "car shopping" as we drove around. We're looking to buy a second car when he gets back, so that i can get a job. But we'd see a neat car and talk about them. Okay so it SOUNDS incredibly boring but it was good fun.
anyway thats about it. have fun :D
Jonny came home for R&R this month. I just sent him back today. I hate sending him back. Its like, I enjoy R&R, but i hate it at the same time. But we had fun visiting his family, and his brother got married to another Jessica. So now there is two in the family! But she's an awesome girl, i'm sure she'll be an awesome sister-in-law too.
Still no word on my biopsy, I'm starting to get a little disgruntled... Its not like its CANCER or anything. ( insert sarcasm there) I don't like this doctor and i'll be glad when i can get away from him and back to my oh so awesome fertility clinic.
While Jon was home, we had a grand old time "car shopping" as we drove around. We're looking to buy a second car when he gets back, so that i can get a job. But we'd see a neat car and talk about them. Okay so it SOUNDS incredibly boring but it was good fun.
anyway thats about it. have fun :D
Thursday, April 9, 2009
hey hey
sorry its been so long! lots of stuff has happened since my last post, so lemme fill ya in!
I went in for my second, and hopefully last, biopsy in March. I still haven't heard back on the results. but I'm starting to think that this Office isn't as together as they look. When i went in the second time for the same procedure i got done in December, the nurse ( who was much less snooty this time around) hands me a release explaining the things that could go wrong all that, to sign. I kinda look at her with what i am sure is dumb look on my face. I haven't seen this before. at all. so i ask her 'shouldn't i have signed this last time?'. which gets me my dumb look returned lol. apparently they 'forgot'. They seem to have also forgot to have me sign for my insurance. which means they forged it. which doesn't make me happy. But as soon as they give me my results, and if they are good, i won't be going back -_-; thanks goodness.
also as i reported Kira still has random issues with her hip, but i can't keep her away from that ball! see how happy she looks :
Click for a bigger pic

she loves that ball! LOL
and so does salem even if he can't catch it, seriously click the picture it makes me giggle like no other!

i also got a new camera! I call it my semi professional camera. I'm trying to take my photography a little more seriously. i'll share one i did of my sister in law and my neice.

I didn't resize this so it may be huge. but it was edited in photoshop to pretend like i had the filters, which of course i don't LOL. but i thought it was great none the less.
I also had an easter egg hunt for my neices and nephews, i'll eventually put up pics of that, but if not they are on my myspace.
OH have i also mentioned my car hates me? apparently it's missing jonny. more on that later too!
I went in for my second, and hopefully last, biopsy in March. I still haven't heard back on the results. but I'm starting to think that this Office isn't as together as they look. When i went in the second time for the same procedure i got done in December, the nurse ( who was much less snooty this time around) hands me a release explaining the things that could go wrong all that, to sign. I kinda look at her with what i am sure is dumb look on my face. I haven't seen this before. at all. so i ask her 'shouldn't i have signed this last time?'. which gets me my dumb look returned lol. apparently they 'forgot'. They seem to have also forgot to have me sign for my insurance. which means they forged it. which doesn't make me happy. But as soon as they give me my results, and if they are good, i won't be going back -_-; thanks goodness.
also as i reported Kira still has random issues with her hip, but i can't keep her away from that ball! see how happy she looks :

she loves that ball! LOL
and so does salem even if he can't catch it, seriously click the picture it makes me giggle like no other!

i also got a new camera! I call it my semi professional camera. I'm trying to take my photography a little more seriously. i'll share one i did of my sister in law and my neice.

I didn't resize this so it may be huge. but it was edited in photoshop to pretend like i had the filters, which of course i don't LOL. but i thought it was great none the less.
I also had an easter egg hunt for my neices and nephews, i'll eventually put up pics of that, but if not they are on my myspace.
OH have i also mentioned my car hates me? apparently it's missing jonny. more on that later too!
Monday, January 19, 2009
and the result of the Biospy is.....
GREAT! got good news ( finally!) the other day. They said the progesterone is doing its job, and the cancer is slowing. Or at least from what i understand, thats what the progesterone does. They say that in 3 months i'll go back up to Syracuse get a biopsy and I think, a D&C. I'm a little unclear if they are going to do the D&C then or schedule it for later. hopefully then. It was okay driving to syracuse when i lived an hour away, but a bit tougher when its 5 hours! I just didn't see the point of transferring doctors, when i only see him in 3 month stints, and i'll be back at Fort Drum at the end of the year. But anyway, after the D&C, i have to wait 6 months, and then i can start trying to have kids again. I'm ecstatic about that. Jonny will be home, and the world set right again!
Sorry for the lack of postings. But really, this blog was supposed to be a conception journal. Dealing with the PCOS and all that, i thought it might be helpful to others, and also keep those interested in my life in tune. But since all that got put on hold its been tough. Its all been just plugging along the waiting game it is.
OH! As a side note, i came home from Fort Drum to get away from the cold and snow! what nerve does Ohio have to dump a crap ton of snow on me! hehe. oh well its still not quite as bad as NY. they've gotten about ten times this amount we have since i left in October. But poor salem can't even get over the snow drifts to pee Hehe.
anyway. Nothing new with me, how are all you doing?
Sorry for the lack of postings. But really, this blog was supposed to be a conception journal. Dealing with the PCOS and all that, i thought it might be helpful to others, and also keep those interested in my life in tune. But since all that got put on hold its been tough. Its all been just plugging along the waiting game it is.
OH! As a side note, i came home from Fort Drum to get away from the cold and snow! what nerve does Ohio have to dump a crap ton of snow on me! hehe. oh well its still not quite as bad as NY. they've gotten about ten times this amount we have since i left in October. But poor salem can't even get over the snow drifts to pee Hehe.
anyway. Nothing new with me, how are all you doing?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
No more fetch for Kira
Well, I feel horrible for my dog, Kira. This dog LIVES for fetch. I'm a firm beleiver that she would eventually die with a tennis ball in her mouth. She just loves to run. But shortly after moving in here, we went out to play fetch, and a few hours later she could barely hold wait on her right leg. I immediatly panicked ( paniced? panic-ed? >.>) and thought " oh no, her hips are starting to go!". I didn't even put two and two together with the ball thing, till later. i set up a vet appointment, in case she did something really wrong, like popped out her hip, or fractured it. SHe is an old dog... but the next day she was walking better and by the third or fourth day she was fine, so i cancelled the appt, thinking she wretched it. Cause, well, she slides and twists all over the place after that ball! I've seen her do somersaults in her younger days LOL! But i decided to break from playing fetch just to give her time to recuperate and all that. but anyway fast forward a month and half, to yesterday. it was incredibly nice, and almost warm, so we went out to burn some of that energy off, and lo and behold, a few hours later she's limping. It makes me so sad to think we can't do the one thing she loves the most in this world, except maybe me ;)I dunno, its hard to come to terms with her getting older. She'll be nine in june, i beleive, which isn't horrible old, but this year was hard on her as far as health. But here's to hoping for many more healthy years yet.
Also on a side note. My car was fixed, but i had that all to well known womens curse happen. It makes a noise for me that sounded like parts of my wheels were dropping out, but noone else but my mother hears it O.o. but there was something that needed fixed, a wheel bearing, or something of that nature. Also it made it to Syracuse, and back without killing us all! But i'm a paranoid fool, and now i swear every creek and rattle it makes, i swear its the car plotting to blow up on me >.>;;
Obviously the computer is fixed also, but slowly but surely other things are blowing up on me. I swear everything mechanical, or electronical ( a word? i think not but i like it anyway!) gets a memo the minute Jonny steps out of the country. who is this memo maker, and where can i maim him at! anywho but its working for the time being. so yay for that at least.
oh and from teh oncologyst we're just waiting on a biopsy result to find out how the hormone therapy is working. If all goes well, i'll be able to start trying for kids again in october! which is just perfect considering jonny will be home in November!!!! anywho thats it in a nutshell. <3
Also on a side note. My car was fixed, but i had that all to well known womens curse happen. It makes a noise for me that sounded like parts of my wheels were dropping out, but noone else but my mother hears it O.o. but there was something that needed fixed, a wheel bearing, or something of that nature. Also it made it to Syracuse, and back without killing us all! But i'm a paranoid fool, and now i swear every creek and rattle it makes, i swear its the car plotting to blow up on me >.>;;
Obviously the computer is fixed also, but slowly but surely other things are blowing up on me. I swear everything mechanical, or electronical ( a word? i think not but i like it anyway!) gets a memo the minute Jonny steps out of the country. who is this memo maker, and where can i maim him at! anywho but its working for the time being. so yay for that at least.
oh and from teh oncologyst we're just waiting on a biopsy result to find out how the hormone therapy is working. If all goes well, i'll be able to start trying for kids again in october! which is just perfect considering jonny will be home in November!!!! anywho thats it in a nutshell. <3
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