Well, if anyone has any experience with tricare, you know its crazy to get to see another doctor, even with a diagnosis of cancer -_- well i got in there about ten, and got into my doctors office, did the general "doctor things" with the nurse, you know blood pressure, temp, all that. well i seemed to have an exeptionally chatty nurse, who proceeded to tell me about how easy it was to get pregnant, and sad to say i even know how her first son was conceived O.o Now, i'm not overly sensitive, or at least i wasn't. But seriously, she knew i had been trying to conceive for over 3 years, that i was just diagnosed with something that potentially could lose me my uterus( hopefully not!) and still jabbers on...>.<
Oh and yea, have any of you ever had the doctor that touches you wayyyyy to much? Not innapropriatly, just random touches. i personally like my little bubble.... and people i don't know intruding makes me uncomfy >.> But anyway. Apparently he was new, and flustered a bit, and a little weird lol. He got on me about smoking, and managed to work in that me smoking caused my UTERAN (is that even a word?) cancer ...... seriously. That doesn;t even make sense in my head...i know what it was caused by, my PCOS.... i don't shedd my lining, the lining decides it has a fun place to party and goes too it. its also a part hyperplasia crap. anywho after touching my knee about 10 times he ran off to try to find the pathology reports that CNY faxed to him. I dont' think he beleived me that i had endometrial cancer...till he saw the papers, he kinda blew me off till he got em, then he took me serious! lol. and when he came in ( touched my knee another 10 times) blubbered through about which doctor he thought tricare would approve, he mentioned a hysterectomy... i told him no. just no Lol. but he later ( after haveing to call CNY, decide which doctor to try for and more knee touching) he "found out" that since its stage one, all the cancer is in my lining. so they do the D&C and hormone therapy just as CNY told me. so then i went and sat with referal for another half an hour, and got my referal, not to the doctor i wanted but one supposably just as good.
although....i think i'm turning into a hyperchondriac, i've been having some random pressure in my pelvic area, and i didn't think anything of it, till i read that that was a symptom of Endometrial cancer....wait isn't that a reverse hypercondriac? I dunno, my moms made me into a sort of wait it out person. i dont' tend to freak over random pains or things, but now i'm starting to worry...its kinda knew to me...i mean take the fact that i twisted my ankle like 2 months and it still hurts but meh i haven't had it checked out LOL.
you know what i'm most scared about at this moment? lol....Driving to this doctors office by myself since jonny is still in wisconsin!! lol i'm such a dork
well i think thats about all thats happened. I'm still sorta taking it in, i haven't cried much....but i have issues looking at kids -_- without at least tearing up. but i'm getting through it, i will get through it and i will have my babies! Thats my mantra!
PS: oh! my pathology was sent to a dr at harvard! thats makes me feel all special...in a weird way >.>
pps: in the words of a friend over at myspecialK's : Cancer sucks!!!