Tuesday, September 2, 2008

optimism..not so great really

Welp i went in for my post op appointment, with high hopes to get the baby making underway. and well i got my bubble burst pretty darn quick. Apparently everything "looks" fine, but they sent in a sample of my lineing ( or something) and i guess it raised some flags. apparently i have endometrial hyperplasia. Which i guess is pretty common for PCOS'ers, but something was off on mine, so they sent it for further pathology to determine if its precancer cells or not. I go back in in two weeks to find out, and find out what else we need to do.

Seriously can't i just have my babies :( its all i want :(...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is rough. I hope that when I'm ready for kids that my PCOS doesn't give me that much trouble. Good Luck! and don't give up.

Jessica said...

well since you knew about yours early on, its probably been better managed, this is a result of not getting my monthly visiter enough. so you should be good! :)