Sunday, September 7, 2008


Well now that I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I'm ready to embrace what was thrown at me and move on. Actually I've been done with my own personal pity party awhile ago, i just hadn't felt like blogging just yet :).

I did some research and asked some questions over on a pcos community, ( in case your interested ;)) and i have a bit of a better grasp on Hyperplasia. Its not as scary as i thought, and is actually easy, and a bit benificial for me. I just heard the words Pre cancer and thats what my brain focused on at the time. What happens with a lot of PCOS'ers, is we don't get our monthly visitor. I think the averages is 6 times a year or less. And the lineing builds up, makeing, at least in my cause the cells of my lining go into hyperdrive. Since we don't ovulate, our body's aren't getting the progesterone that's released when the egg deterierates, so the course of action is to take a progesterone pill a few times a month to induce my monthly visitor. Its the same effects as the Birth control, but without the contraceptives ;) I have my list of questions to take in the 16th and then i;ll go from there, :).

But like i said, I am back to optimistic mode, although last night i think i forgot to take my meds, and man i'm paying for it today. I feel all sorts of crappy. although that might have to do with Jonny starting his two week training in wisconsin.

Oh and on top of that, i am in the process of moving back to ohio when jonny does his tour in iraq -_- its incredibly stressful trying to figure what we neede, what we don't need, figuring out housing, and getting ready for Iraq. But the money we will save will be great, and go towards getting me that Hybrid SUV i am soooo dieing for! But i'm gonna get all decor packed away this two weeks and come october we will be whittleing down on essentials. like only haveing two towels, two washclothes, that sort of thing. the hardest will the kitchen i think, but i might wait till after he leaves for that, or at least the majority! lol. anywho Blessed Be!

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