Wednesday, September 17, 2008

big day tomorrow

Well tomarrow is my appointment with the Gyn/oncologist. I'm nervous. And a little scared. i'm not sure what to expect, almost all the research i've done on endometrial carcinoma says that Hysterectomy is the course of action. I definetly don't want that. seriously, no. But as far as i know we are just doing a D&C and hormone therapy. I'm really hoping he realizes how determined i am to do just that.

But i have to say, i have some of the best family and friends. Aarika, Rachel, and carol all offered to be surrigates for me Lol! i haven't even went down that route longer then a passing thought. I do have to say while if the unthinkable Does happen, i would probably go that route for one child. But after that i would just adopt. I've always wanted to adopt, so its not that far from my original plans anyway. oh well till tomarrow, when i find out the plan.

Oh and i packed like 4 boxes today! and started like 3 others YAY me! hehe

Oh and much love to my ohio family. a lot of columbiana is out of power from a huge wind storm that hit monday or tuesday. I know rachel said Friday was the estimate on when they would get it back, or something like that. and Grandma and grandpa out of power also -_-

Love ya guys, and even anyone else who wanders by!

PS: Parents, wild turkeys are mean.... Stopping traffic to let your 8 yr old out of the car to chase them is NOT a good idea.... Now you know, and knowing is half the battle ;)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping me informed on that WIld Turkey thing. You know you are in my thoughts. I truly want this to all work out well for you.


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

We'll definitely be praying that your appointment goes well and that a hysterectomy will NOT be needed!

And I won't let my kids chase a wild turkey! ha!