Well, there is me, Jessica, I'm 24, and currently a housewife. I had an excellent job working with devolepmentally disabled Individuals, I had the time of my life there, it was an ICF, and the 10 people in the house were 38+ years, but man they kept me on my toes :D but lack of two cars caused me to put that on hold.
I grew up in Ohio, in a small town, but i miss it everyday. I now live with my husband of 4 years at an army base called Fort Drum, in upstate NY. Its not a bad life, and we've been lucky, only one deployment, and one inc deployment in those 4 years.
I'm a very novice artist, but i only dabble, i've thought of going to school for it but we'll see ;).
Then there is Jonathan, my love and light. He's 26....er 27 ( I'm horrid at that i swear!) He's in the army like i said, lol, and he is a NBC, nuclear biological chemical. He's even edumacated, and has a chemical engineering degree! We're hoping that he gets Officer approved while he's in Iraq, as long as everything checks out :D
He also grew up in ohio near me, but different school district. We actually met when he was my boss at Mcdonalds, when I was 15. took me a LONG year of "woo'ing" but i finally got him to date me when i was 16! the rest as we say, is history!!!

there's also two other members of our family...my "kids" at the moment. You'll here a lot about them i'm sure. i dote on them like no others. First is my old lady, Kira, my australian shepard mix. She came to us at a very special time about 6-7 years ago. I had no intention of keeping kira, see a friend's dog had puppies, and i knew most of the people he let the puppies go home with. One of the Girls parents, threw a fit, and she was going to toss this little defenseless puppy in the woods :( well i couldn't let that happen, at all... so i took her, thinking i was just going to return her to her mom, and litter mates. But first, a pit stop.....
See My mom was haveing a horrid time with her divorce, and could barely get out of bed. So i decided some puppy therapy was in order!! I came home, tossed Kira on the bed ( okay not tossed, calmly place rather :P ) and 6-7 years old she's my darling old gal. she never did come close to making it back to the litter >.>
The other is my little man of the house,salem, who just turned two in january. He's my long haired chihauhua :) he's all red with this weird white stocking thats spotted red....it looks like someone hastily wrapped a bandage on his foot. All the time people ask me how he hurt himself >< He's been a crazy addition who gets away with murder....i don't even think he knows how to sit.... Don't get me wrong he's pretty well trained. he's house trained, knows not to beg, although he tries, knows general commands, and stays with me in the community yard off leash. Just tricks are beyond his attention span Lol.
thats my family crazy insane as they are, i love em. Now i swear, tomarrow i will write about what i intend to write most about. My infertility issues, and what not. good fun right? well mebbe not. >.> ^ ^ see ya

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Nice to "meet" you!!! I look forward to following your blog!
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